
People with Hearing Impaired Network (PHIN)

Residential School for Hearing Impaired


As an organization, we offer many services apart from the residential school. We conduct Hearing Tests, facilitate marriage alliances, offer counseling (such as for family disputes), and offer legal counsel as and when necessary. Contact us with your specific needs!


Marriage Alliances

We facilitate marriage alliances among deaf people. Contact us with your specific requirements to learn how we can help you.
Join Our Hands

Counseling and Legal Services

We offer counseling to help resolve domestic issues in an amicable manner. We also offer legal advice and support, and are able to help you become educated on your rights as a deaf person.

Social Service

Auditory Testing

Need to have your hearing tested? We offer a pay-what-you can auditory testing service at our school location. Contact us with details to find out if we can meet your needs.


Ms 71 Govt Quarters
Hyderabad-500 036
Telangana, India.

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